Prof. Dr. dr. Akmal Taher, SpU

Professor Akmal Taher obtained his medical degree in 1980 from the University of Indonesia. After serving the compulsory duty at a community health center, he started the urology training program at University of Indonesia and was registered as Urologist in 1988. Since then he became a staff member at the Division of Urology, Department of Surgery in the same University.  He was a research fellow at theHannover Medical School and Institute for Peptide Research in Hannover from 1990 to 1992, and also obtained his Doktor Medikus and his PhDdegree in 1993, respectively, on the same school.


His published papers are mainly on cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase activity and erectile dysfunction.  He has been a principal country investigator for several phase 2 and phase 3 multinational clinical studies mostly on erectile dysfunction drugs.


In 2011 – 2019, Special Staff of the Minister of Health Sector Improvement Services ofthe Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia. In 2010-2015, Director General ofHealthCare Services of the Ministry of Health Republic of Indonesia.  In 2005-2010, theDirectorof Cipto Mangunkusumo National General Hospital, Jakarta, which is the main teaching hospital of the Faculty of Medicine University of Indonesia.  In this hospital there are 800 undergraduate medical students and 1,200 residents in training.


He was the president of the Indonesian Urological Association (2006-2009). He is also an international member of the American Urological Association and a corresponding member of the European Urological Association as well as full member of the SocieteInternationaled’Urologie, Asian Society for the Study of Aging Male and Asian Surgical Association.