Personal Info :
Name : Indrawarman, dr, Sp.U(K)
Place / Date of Birth : Surakarta, January 2, 1980
2020 Appointed as Urological Oncology Consultant, Indonesian College of Urology, Indonesia.
2015 Fellowship on Laparoscopy, Robotic Assisted Laparoscopy Surgery, Laser and Endourology, SLK Kliniken AmGesundbrunen,University of Heidelberg, Germany.
2011 Fellowship on Percutaneous Nephrolithotripsy and Advanced Endourology, Department of Urologi, Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital.
2005-2010 Urology Specialist Training Program, University of Indonesia/Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital.
1998-2004 Medical Doctor, Universitas Gadjah Mada.
2019 APAC Advance Laparoscopic Urology Workshop in 301 Chinese PLA General Hospital, Beijing.
2019 AUSTEG Laparoscopic Upper Tract Surgery Course, Bangkok, Thailand.
2015 Course of Laparoscopic Oncologic Surgeries (sponsored by Program for Disseminating Japanese Technology for Urological Laparoscopic Procedures in Indonesia) Tokyo, Japan.
2013 Advanced Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy Course, Hospital University Kebangsaan Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
2010 Urology Microsurgery Course. Department of Urology Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta, Indonesia.
International Speaker
2020 Endoluminal Technology Symposium (ETS) and Thailand Endourological Society (TES) conference, December 12, 2020 Title: Supine PCNL for Large Kidney Stones.
2020 Urological Assosiation of Asia, 16 Oktober 2020, Seoul Korea. Title: Miniaturized PCNL: When and How.
2019 9th Urology Week, National Kidney and Transplant Institute, East Avenue, Quezon City, Phillipines, Agustus 2019. Title: Supine PCNL: The Emerging Standard.
2018 36th World Congress of Endourology, Paris, September 2018. Title: Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy Efficacy and Complication: Supine versus Prone.
National Speaker
2020 1st Jambi Urology Meeting and 2nd Central Sumatera Region Urology Meeting, Speaker and Live Demo on PCNL Workshop.
2019 Pertemuan Ilmiah Tahunan (PIT) II IAUI Jawa Tengah, 13 April 2019, Speaker and Live Demo on PCNL Workshop.
2019 3rd Lampung Urology Update, Speaker and Live Demo on PCNL Workshop.
2019 ASMIUA, Speaker on Indonesian Society of Endourology (ISE) Masterclass.
2019 36th Fiesta Urology Comprehensive Management in Urological Daily Practice, 20-23 November 2019, Speaker and Live Demo on PCNL Workshop.
2018 Muktamar Ahli Bedah Indonesia (MABI) XXI Makasar, Pembicara Pola Batu Saluran Kemih di Indonesia dan Pendekatan Terapinya.
2018 ASMIUA, Instructor Masterclass Flexible URS, Banjarmasin.
2018 Jogja Urology Update, Speaker and Instructor on PCNL Workshop.
2018 35th Fiesta Urology Comprehensive Management in Urological Daily Practice, 11-12 Agustus 2018, Speaker and Live Demo on PCNL Workshop.
2018 11 th MCUE Malang, Speaker and Live Demo on PCNL Workshop.
2017 Workshop PCNL, 16 Juli 2017, RSUD Ulin, Banjarmasin, Speaker and Live Demo on PCNL Workshop.
2017 Workshop PCNL, 4 Maret 2017, RSUP Sanglah, Bali, Speaker and Live Demo on PCNL Workshop.
2016 All About Kidney, Jakarta, 5 Agustus 2016, Pembicara Update on Kidney Stone Management.
Work Experience
2021 - Head of Urology Residency Training Program, Faculty of Medicine, Public Health and Nursing, University of Gadjah Mada