Nama : Dr. Tjahjodjati, dr., Sp.B., Sp.U(K)
Golongan / Pangkat : IV d / Pembina Utama Madya
Jabatan Fungsional Akademik: Lektor
Perguruan Tinggi : Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Padjadjaran ( UNPAD )
Dokter Umum UNPAD, Kedokteran, 1987
Spesialis Bedah UNPAD, Ilmu Bedah, 1996
Spesialis Urologi UI, Urologi, 2001
Doktor UNPAD, Kedokteran, 2015
- Bimbingan pratugas dokter lepas pantai di Jakarta (Menaker Soedomo), 1987
- Pendidikan dan latihan teknis fungsional dokter puskesmas di Mataram, 1990
- Kursus “Advoced Trauma Live Support”, 1996
- Pelatih Pada Kursus International Vasectomy Tanpa Pisau, 1998
- Kursus “Good Clinical Practise” Clinical Trial, 1999
- Kursus “Penatalaksanaan Disfungsi Ereksi”, 1999
- Kursus Instruktur ATLS, 2000
- Kursus Live Surgery TVT for Stress Urinary Incontinance, 2000
- Kursus Disfungsi seksual Wanita, 2001
- Pelatihan, “Microsurgery in Male Infertility Management”, 2001
- Pelatihan “Surgical Repsir of Hypospadia”, 2001
- Pelatihan “Open kidney Stone Surgery”, 2001
- Kursus ”Demonstrasi Aplikasi Holmium Laser”, 2001
- Kursus “Recent Advances in The Management of Incontinente” & Live Surgery TVT, 2002
- Kursus Trauma pada PIT FK UNPAD – RSHS, 2002
- Kursus Instruktur ATLS, 2002
- Kursus “Recent Issue in Antimicrobial Therapy”. 2002
- Kursus bedah laparoskopi dasar lab. Bedah Bagian Klinik FKH IPB Bogor, 2004
- Kursus “How to do the redo in pediatric urology” , 2004
- Pelatihan pada Ambiguous Genital, 2004
- Pelatihan pada “Peyronie’s Disease”, 2004
- Kursus “Recent Advances and Challenges in Endo laparoscopic Surgery in Asia Pasific”, 2004
- Pelatihan “International Laparoscopic Urologic Surgery”, 2004
- Pelatih “1st National Workshop on Laparoscopic Urology of the Indonesian Urological Association”, 2005
- Workshop on Clinical Teaching and Assessment, 2005
- Kursus “Advanced Course on Laparoscopic Prostatectomy”, 2006
- Kursus “Advanced Course on Laparoscopic Nephrectomy”, 2006
- Kursus “Intensitas in Laparoscopic Techniques Urology”, 2007
- Kursus “Advanced Course on Laparoscopic Cystectomy”, 2008
- Pelatih “Continuing Professional Development (CPD) PAPDI Cabang Cirebon Simposium Diabetes Melitus “Better Management For Better Quality of Life”, 2009
- Kursus “20th Video Urology World Congress in Conjunction with the 18th Malaysian Urological Conference”, 2009
- Kursus “17th Annual Meeting of The Federation of The ASEAN Urological Association, 2009
- Workshop on Tutor Training (TT), 2010
- The International Society for Hypospadias and DSD (ISHID), London, 2011
- Kursus 30th World Congress of Endourology and SEL, 2012
- Update management of urinary incontinence, 2012
- Pelatihan Bantuan Hidup Dasar, 2016
- Teknik Komunikasi Efektif dalan menunjang pendidikan pasien & keluarga, 2016
- Course and Workshop Applied Good Clinical Practise (GCP), 2016
- Pelatihan Bantuan Hidup Lanjut, 2016
- Pelatihan Manajemen Risiko dalam rangka Aplikasi Sistem Pengendalian Intern Pemerintah (SPIP), 2016
- Trainer Development Programme, 2018
- Workshop Refreshing Penyusunan Format Instruksi Medis, 2019